Sea ​​Culture

[callout1]Sea ​​Culture[/callout1]


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The Gulet
“La goletta fu una delle piu belle imbarcazioni fra le tante che popolavano i nostri mari all’epoca della marina a vela.”
(The Gulet was one of the most beautiful vessels among all that were common on our seas in the age of sail.)
This quote together with some drawings are from the excellent book “Vele Italiane della Costa Occidentale” by S. Bellabarba and E. Guerreri, published by Hoepli in Milan in 2002.


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The Gulet
“La goletta fu una delle piu belle imbarcazioni fra le tante che popolavano i nostri mari all’epoca della marina a vela.”
(The Gulet was one of the most beautiful vessels among all that were common on our seas in the age of sail.)
This quote together with some drawings are from the excellent book “Vele Italiane della Costa Occidentale” by S. Bellabarba and E. Guerreri, published by Hoepli in Milan in 2002.



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Rod Heikell’s Comments on the dilemma Skylax versus Pseudo-Skylax
Next to being the author of the most accurate coastal handbook of Turkish Waters, Rod Heikell has a solid background and ongoing interest in epistemology, the philosopy of scientific progress. As expressed in my brief article about Skylax, this ancient voyager seems to be a milestone in the history of “handling science” and Rod had noticed my pages. At a wonderful evening in Gumusluk Rod, Lou and myself had the opportunity to let our phantasies go around Skylax, Piri Reis and others, who bothered to write down geographic observations several.



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Skylax: A “Rooster” from Gölköy
Mercenary, Commander and Discoverer in the service of Emperor Dareios of Persia
