A Deck Box for an Air Compressor
Request: A deck box for a 60 ft sailing yacht. Requirements: Will house the diving compressor, needs generous service ports for the compressor, removable stainless steel frame required to accomodate fenders. Must not interfere with the hatches, raw water must pass underneath. Pleasing appearance, advance quoting. Boundary conditions: Knowledgeable owner was heavily involved in the construction. Owner would like to see result prior to commencement of work.We tackled the issue as follows |
Above some stages of the presentation for the owner. Red: Internal reinforcements. Light blue: The compressor. Green: The housing. Purple: The lid (with white persplex cover). White: The fenders in blue wire frames. Due to the deck structure a recession in the box housing had to be planned. All hardware custom.
Left: The box completed and spray painted in AwlGrip, here in the paint booth. Right: The compressor in place. Generous service ports for inspecting and servicing the compressor.
The product in place